When you have a university entrance qualification, you can combine the practical vocational training with studies at a university.
So you would have the possibility to implement the knowledge you gain at university directly in praxis.
You would get a university degree together with the certificate of a skilled worker. When you decide for Dual Studies, you do not have any costs since the partner company pays you a remuneration which is often higher than the normal pay for an apprentice in Germany.
You could do such Dual Studies in Germany in the following fields of business:
- Health (e.g. Science of care or therapy)
- Engineering (e.g. Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering)
- Economics and Business Management (e.g. Business Engineering)
You can find offers for Dual Studies here〉 and here〉
Information regarding how to apply for Dual Studies can be obtained from the contact〉 partners at the Universities.